Tributes to a fallen father

It was Sunday the 16th day of September, 2018

A day I or we'll always remember. 

For it was the day our father Alhaji Buba Nyala died.

The 2nd Class Chiefdom Kwajji lost its Chieftain.

42 years of tenure as a patriarch of this Mumuye heartland.

Kwajji has witnessed undisputable transformation.

As an open minded character with your mouth you told me.

Of a humble beginning but with a quest of an extrovert.

To go out and explore the world of regional Nigeria.

The rewards of which you ultimately won.

Before my 57 years old eyes I saw and witnessed.

As a Judge you read no books but you read all minds.

And as it were you made your silent accomplishments.

As a Chieftain you were in the past eying the future.

And then you sailed through Gongola to Taraba.

You shook rulers' hands meekly waiting.

Rulers traditional, military, Democratic and hybrid.

Then you got the modern flag that fluttered.

Green White Green on your royal bumpers.

Baba you were a Mumuye Kwajji clan head.

The clans of Kwajji, Manang and Mika were family.

As a father you tried to balance your love to all.

You gave my brother George Iliya your daughter's hand.

You called me now and then into your chambers.

But as with children we tore you apart.

Each with hellbent monopoly and avarice in our hearts.

You tried as heartfelt to look Mumuye.

But we brought you confusing ideologies far and near.

Forgivably as a father you succumbed to an inner circle.

We dragged into your Royal chambers courtiers far and wide.

Suddenly you've left us and joined our ancestors long gone.

Ancestors who handed you this Mumuye heritage.

Now your children all over the triangular Kwajji land mourn.

We weep, wail, gnash teeth, groan and lament.

Praying you ancestors in your world out there.

Send us another father for the chiefdom of Kwajji.

One with wisdom to learn from your legacy or mistakes.

To keep this Mumuye heritage and again unite the children.

I salute you my father.




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